Infection Prevention and Control
Everyone has a part to play when it comes to infection prevention and control. Ensuring you know the most effective ways you can stop the spread of viruses could help reduce the risk of infection in your workplace.
With the recent outbreak of the coronavirus it’s more important than ever to understand the most effective ways you can help prevent the spread of infection in your workplace.
We are now offering a free training course which will introduce learners to the most effective methods to help prevent viruses spreading.

This course will focus on how to effectively wash your hands and why this is so important in infection control.
Learners will also be able to understand the importance of recognising if they’re fit to work or if they could pose a risk of infection to others by going into work.
To access this free content, please just email and include your full name and email address that you would like us to send the course to.
Stay safe, respect others, listen to guidelines and keep positive!
Microsoft Office Training
At Future Learning, we have a range of options to support businesses and individuals with training on various Microsoft Office applications.
Why look at onsite Microsoft Office training?
- Personalised training tailored to your needs and requirements
- We bring laptop computers with relevant Microsoft Office application(s) (and the same version currently being used onsite by the end users)
- Training for up to 8 delegates per session
- Takeaway training notes and guides (available online and to download or print, as required)
- Work with a Microsoft Office Specialist
- Cross train in multiple Microsoft Office applications, as needed
Our Microsoft Office Core Workshops cover most people’s needs and are the more traditional way that we deliver this training. You can find more information on each of the applications we provide training for below. That said, if you want to ‘mix and match’ some of the content, then please contact our training team to discuss your requirements.
- Microsoft Excel (Introduction / Intermediate / Advanced / Visual Basic VBA)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (Introduction / Advanced)
- Microsoft Word (Introduction / Intermediate / Advanced)
- Microsoft Access (Introduction / Intermediate / Advanced)
- Microsoft Project (The Fundamentals)
- Microsoft Outlook (Introduction / Advanced)
- Microsoft SharePoint (Site Owner / User)
Webinar Training / Support
We can also offer live web-based training through a shared screen experience with one of our Microsoft Office training specialists.
This provides ‘bite-sized’ training and can be tailored to the specific needs of the business and the delegates being trained. Delegates would dial in and speak directly to the training consultant (ideally via head/earphones with a built-in microphone).
This style of training works well when you have a smaller group of people being trained to help reduce costs, but also if you have specific requirements and want to cover different elements from one of the Microsoft Office applications in a shorter space of time.
Case Studies
We have provided Microsoft Office training to a range of businesses and organisations around the UK, including the NHS, Dixons Carphone, Princes (a Mitsubishi Corporation company).
You can read more about some of the training we have delivered below.
- HotelREZ – Microsoft Excel Onsite Training
- Raphael Healthcare – Microsoft Excel, Word and Outlook Onsite Training
How will GDPR affect your Business?
The General Data Protection Regulation (known as GDPR, and formally as EU regulation 2016/679) is a law coming into force in 2018 that is designed to ensure that all EU citizens have improved control over their own data, and that the law is unified across the EU. In an age where customer data is gathered at a rapid pace, in bulk, and with no certainty over how it may be used, the EU feels that it is important that the general public have a much better understanding and say in how their data is used. GDPR will have fairly large implications for a significant number of UK businesses, especially those that conduct the majority of their business online, or direct to consumers. In this article, we’re going to go through the specifics of it, what it will mean for your business in practice, and how you can prepare.
GDPR Legislation
GDPR legislation was adopted in April 2016, with a two year transition period to allow for businesses to understand and prepare for it. On the 25th May 2018, it will become fully enforceable, which means that all relevant EU businesses must adhere to it or face potential prosecution. As GDPR is an EU regulation, rather than a directive, there will be no corresponding UK law introduced, and it will supersede the UK Data Protection Act 1998 where applicable. Fines for failing to adhere to GDPR can run into tens of millions of euros, making this a hugely important consideration.
Scope & Purpose of General Data Protection Regulation
At its core, GDPR means that those that collect and use data in the EU (whether they are based in the EU or not) must have a genuine reason for doing so, that people are aware of what data is held, and that those people can have data erased if they have grounds to do so. One of the most common questions asked in relation to the incoming law is “does GDPR apply to my business?”. GDPR will be applicable to both ‘controllers’ and ‘processors’. Controllers are those that use the data, which would be anyone from a one-person online retailer, to multinational corporations. Processors are any person or grouping that handle the data even if they don’t actually use it. This could for example be a data collection agency or perhaps even your email marketing agency if you use one.
The EU also gives a fairly broad definition as to what personal data actually entails. Their statement on the matter is as follows:
“Personal data is any information relating to an individual, whether it relates to his or her private, professional or public life. It can be anything from a name, a home address, a photo, an email address, bank details, posts on social networking websites, medical information, or a computer’s IP address.”
In addition, the EU sets out a variety of reasons that a controller or processor might have legal grounds for collecting and retaining such data:
- the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.
- processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.
- processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.
- processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.
- processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
- processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.
In Practice & Being Prepared
In practice, GDPR will mean that small and large businesses alike will need to make sure that they have a sound legal reason or collecting data that they do, or they have acquired specific consent for doing it. These are the two biggest considerations to make. Even if you run a small cafe and want to collect emails from customers so you can inform them of promotions or events, then you must explain why, and gain their consent.
There is still time for businesses to get their affairs in order before GDPR becomes enforceable. Larger organisations should have their IT department working on the transition, but small businesses need to be thinking about their plans too.
There is a fairly large number of resources freely available to help, but those businesses that believe GDPR will have a significant impact should undertake training.
Some of the major considerations and questions you should think about prior to the enforcement date include the following:
Understanding & Awareness – Does everyone relevant in the business understand what GDPR entails, and what their particular responsibilities to it are? Are there specific people responsible for overseeing GDPR implementation? Do they need to learn about GDPR in detail?
Currently Held Data – Do you have comprehensive knowledge of what data you currently hold about EU citizens, and do you need to conduct an audit?
Privacy Policy – Will your privacy policy need updating to reflect the changes? Have you thought about how this is going to happen?
Dealing with Requests – Under GDPR, citizens will be able to make access requests to find out what data is stored about them. Have you considered how you will deal with these requests?
Lawful Processing – Have you considered the legal basis for collecting the information that you do? Do you need to gain consent?
Gaining Consent – What processes are you going to put in place to make sure you have consent from your customers/users, and how will you store this? If you are collecting information on children, how will you gain consent from their parent or guardian?
Cyber security – GDPR requires that any data breaches are reported swiftly – do you have policies in place to guard against them, and do you know how to report a breach?
Online Training Options
Onsite Training Courses / Workshops
Customer Service – 13 Key Skills
Customer Service is at the heart of every organisation. It is not simply a department, but the responsibility of everyone in your organisation to know how to provide good (if not great) service to all of your customers.
How you work and deal with customer requests and enquiries can shape your business and those that do it well and understand the importance of looking after your customers will see return business and the retention of customers.
We have put together a list of 13 key Customer Service skills that will help you and your organisation stand out from the crowd!
- Patience
- Attentiveness
- Clear Communication Skills
- Knowledge of the Product or Service
- Ability to Use “Positive Language”
- Time Management Skills
- Ability to “Read” Customers
- A Calming Presence
- Goal Oriented Focus
- Ability to Handle Surprises
- Persuasion Skills
- Tenacity
- Willingness to Learn
Customer Service Training
Here at Future Learning, we have a range of online and onsite training, looking at the importance of providing great Customer Service. Our online training workshops provide insights into how you can effectively work with and manage Customers. When it comes to onsite training, we have a range of tailored courses, from some of the very talented and inspirational training consultants.
Online Training
- Customer Excellence for Frontline Staff
- Understanding the Rules of Customer Service
- Understand the use of Communication in Customer Service
- Understanding the Principles of Customer Service
5S and Continuous Improvement
5S represents 5 disciplines to maintain visual management within the workplace. 5S represents a systematic approach for productivity, quality and safety improvement in all types of business environments. It is one of the important approaches in the journey of continuous improvement.
5S simplifies and organises your work environment, reduces waste and non-value activity, whilst improving quality, efficiency and safety.
5S uses five Japanese disciplines:
- Seiri (Sort, Clearing, Classify)
- Seiton (Set in order, Straighten, Simplify, Configure)
- Seiso (Sweep, shine, Scrub, Clean and Check)
- Seiketsu (Standardise, Stabilise, Conformity)
- Shitsuke (Sustain, Self Discipline, Custom and Practice)
The Five S program focuses on having visual order, organization, cleanliness and standardisation. The results you can expect from a Five S program are: improved profitability, efficiency, service and safety.
5S is the foundation step in the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) model, which is a holistic approach to equipment maintenance that strives to achieve perfect production.
TPM emphasizes proactive and preventative maintenance to maximize the operational efficiency of equipment. It blurs the distinction between the roles of production and maintenance by placing a strong emphasis on empowering operators to help maintain their equipment.
The eight pillars of TPM are mostly focused on proactive and preventative techniques for improving equipment reliability and are shown in the diagram below.
It should be reasonably intuitive how 5S creates a foundation for well-running equipment. For example, in a clean and well-organized work environment, tools and parts are much easier to find, and it is much easier to spot emerging issues such as fluid leaks, material spills, metal shavings from unexpected wear, hairline cracks in mechanisms, etc.
Leaders And Managers – Investing In Your Future
Identifying and developing the next generation of managers and leaders is an essential task and the responsible approach taken by businesses that understand that bringing through their own talent is not only cost effective but ensures that the business culture and strategic direction remains an integral part of operations for the long term.
Identifying those ready to take on a more senior role in management and those who are ready or who clearly have the potential to be great leaders is no easy task. A successful manager may need to learn a totally different skill set and approach in order to become a successful leader, and high performing employees don’t always find the transition into a management role that straightforward.
So in order to put our employees on the right development path it is important that we understand the difference between a manager and a leader. Is management really that different from leadership? I think most of us understand that it is but sometimes articulating how and why can be a challenge. So here is my quick take on it.
- A leader must create a vision and be able to clearly articulate this to their organisation. The management team should be able to interpret that vision and be able to implement the structure and process to deliver it.
- A leader should win followers. Managers create hard working employees.
- A leader must be able to use their imagination to see what is truly possible. Management should look to identify the specific work necessary to make it a reality.
- Leaders need the ability to ‘think outside the box’ and create change whereas management must often rely on facts and figures to analyse and drive performance and manage change.
- Leaders have the charisma to be able to engage their organisation in their vision. Managers need to be able to model the way, leading by example.
- Leaders need to be prepared to sometimes take ‘strategic risks’ taking responsibility for the results. Managers show discipline and work to a plan and should take credit when it succeeds.
- A leader must have the confidence in the vision they have created for the business. Managers must believe that the part they play is critical to the success of the overall strategy.
- A leader empowers his people. A manager will exercise power to keep their team on track.
So is there such a thing as a ‘born leader’ – I am sure there is, but for most of us the leaders and managers in our businesses have to be developed and this requires an investment in both time and money. Patience is required to coach and mentor them and to help them learn from the mistakes they will undoubtedly make along the way, trust will be required to delegate responsibility to them and to gain their loyalty, and investment will be required in training them to ensure they have the skills necessary to succeed.
Developing your own highly skilled managers and leaders, who are aligned to your companies values and culture, is not only rewarding but will deliver improvements in key areas across your organisation, including improved employee engagement, greater staff retention, reduced recruitment costs, and if you get it right, increased growth and profitability.
If your business is interested in developing its potential management talent then maybe our unique and innovative training workshops could be just what you are looking for.
The 7 Principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System
HACCP is pro-active system of managing food risk and was originally developed by NASA scientists in the 1950s in order to protect astronauts from food poisoning whilst on space missions, something that could prove catastrophic.
Later the EU and most developed countries had implemented HACCP principles into food safety law.
Within businesses, the HACCP system is developed by owners and managers however responsibility for its implementation lies with all of the employees of the business.
The 7 core principles of HACCP
HACCP is based on the following seven key principles:
1. Conduct a hazard analysis – Inspect your environment meticulously to identify where any food safety hazards are, and the amount of risk that each of these hazards carry. A food hazard can be any chemical, biological or physical element that effects food safety.
2. Identify critical control points– A critical control point (CCP) is a step in a food handling process where controls can be applied to prevent or reduce any food safety hazard. Food businesses should identify controls which can be carried out to prevent the hazards identified.
3. Establish critical limits – Decide on specific safety limits to adhere to, these may be based on scientific research. For example, you might need to determine a minimum and maximum temperature level as a control for food stored in a refrigerator.
4. Establish monitoring procedures – Monitoring procedures need to then be implemented to ensure that critical control points are controlling the identified hazards. For example, if your control is based on temperature levels then you may action temperature checks and use monitoring forms to record times that these observations have been carried out.
5. Establish corrective actions – Corrective actions should be taken when a critical limit is likely to be, or has been exceeded. For example, if the fridge temperature becomes too high then you might relocate food to a fridge at the correct temperature, call an engineer or contact a manager.
6. Verify procedures – Each critical control point needs to be verified and checked regularly to ensure that the best procedures are in place to reduce and prevent hazards.
7. Document procedures – Every HACCP based system must be well documented using charts, instructions, monitoring records etc. This is to ensure that the system is working correctly and everyone is taking responsibility for food safety. An inspector will also ask to see hazard analysis system records.