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Customer Care
This Customer Care course will help learners understand the causes of poor customer care, good customer care skills and how to handle complaints.

Microsoft Excel 2016 – Advanced
The course Microsoft Excel 2016: Advanced is focused mainly on the creation of charts and automation of the work in the program by using macros.

Microsoft Excel 2016 – Intermediate
In the course Microsoft Excel 2016: Intermediate, the presented interactive lessons focus mainly on performing various calculations.

Microsoft Excel 2016 – Introduction
In the course Microsoft Excel 2016: Introduction, you will familiarise yourself with the Excel 2016 environment and its documents and you will learn to control them.

Level 2 Food Safety & Hygiene for Drinks Manufacturers
This module is a self-study course (formerly known as Foundation or Basic Food Hygiene) and maps Industry Standards in Food Safety and Hygiene.

Fire Marshal Training
Our Online Fire Marshal training courses are aimed at all employees to assist them in identifying and reducing the risk that fire presents in the workplace.

Asbestos Awareness
The Asbestos Awareness eLearning course is designed for anyone who may come into contact with asbestos in their work.

L1 Health & Safety in a Construction Environment
This course is aimed at people starting out in the construction industry and can be used as part of their induction process or as preparation for the online accredited exam.

MS Office 2016 – Set of 3 Advanced
These courses are aimed at anyone who uses Microsoft Office, whether that is in study, at home or at work. This course is tailored to advanced level learners, who are looking to expand their knowledge even further and improve their abilities.

Ms Office – Set of 16
This set of Microsoft office courses has been designed to give you a complete knowledge of Microsoft office 2016 including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and Access. In addition to the set of 12, this also includes MS Excel Expert Tool.

MS Office – Set of 15
This set of Microsoft office courses has been designed to give you a complete knowledge of Microsoft office 2016 including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and Access. Each application is split into Introduction, Intermediate and Advanced.

MS Office 2016 – Set of 13
This set of Microsoft office courses has been designed to give you a complete knowledge of Microsoft office 2016 including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook. In addition to the set of 12, this also includes MS Excel Expert Tool.